Autumn’s Days!

a speckled wood on hebe

Along with the butterfly in this photograph, a Speckled Wood, there are lots of bumblebees on the Hebe.  They are all harvesting what they can for the winter season to come.

The days are shorter but still they are warm.  In the background, I can hear a Wood Pigeon calling, also Swallows and House Martins chittering above me as they search for food.  A solitary Buzzard whistles as it circles on the thermals high, high above and the bamboo wind chimes on the fence, rattle lazily.


Bee’s hums,

Wind’s chimes,

Autumn’s days.


I haven’t been able to write much, so far this month, as I have been busy in the garden.  So, as the sun is still shining, I’m able to sit between chores and absorb the sights and sounds of the afternoon.  In one of those moments this ‘sound-bite’ came to me.  The wording in my verse may be a little odd but it works for me, if it is said slowly.




37 thoughts on “Autumn’s Days!

    1. Thank you, Andrea! Even here in NI, it has been almost too warm for gardening! It is good to take a break under a parasol with a tall glass of something cool.

    1. A bit of an experiment I know! Poems or haiku, whatever they are called, are to do with sounds; how the reader hears the words and if they resonate that is a success I think!

    1. I certainly hope we have many sunny days ahead! With all that has happened this year, goodness knows what the coming winter has in store for us! Thanks for dropping by Josie.

  1. Love your garden, your wildlife and your description of the last weeks of autumn. If you are not working in the garden, please look up my Ode to Autumn.
    Anyone for baked in the field potatoes?


    1. Joanna, thank you for your lovely comment. I’m taking a rest from gardening today. I will certainly check your blog and will write soon.

  2. Nous sommes encore loin de cet saison si bien illustrée par ta photo, les journées sont chaudes et ensoleillées et avant d’entrer en automne, “profitons de l’été indien”

  3. Very nice pics. Fall here in PA is not quite here yet. However, we are getting more cool nights & warm days. Soon the leaves will turn into Natures splendor. Nice to meet you.

    1. Hi Les, tomorrow, Tuesday, is the autumn equinox so here at 54oN in Northern Ireland, I’ve spent the early afternoon tidying up in the garden. As we’ve had a week of dry weather, unusual for here, I’m making the most of it as the days grow shorter, colder and probably wetter! Thanks for dropping by. Good to meet you too.

      1. Yes, today is the 1st day of the Fall Season. Like I stated before, the leaves on the trees will very soon turn into pretty colors. I have captured them many times. It get’s pretty around here. There is a slight chill in the air that Nature is telling that she is started to shut down for the Winter. It gets darn cold here, at times. We can get some nasty snow storms, which I don’t like, but it makes for some real nice photography. Never been to Ireland, but would love to see it. Ireland, from what I read, is very Historic. Lots of un-rest there in the past. I’ll bet it’s interesting to see. It’s amazing to talk with someone from “across the pond.” I’ll be watching.

    1. Indeed Morag, lovely long evenings here in the summer. Unfortunately, just now the evenings are drawing in and for me walking is restricted to mornings or early afternoons.

      1. I love the change of seasons, even here in South Africa where it isn’t as great a change, it heralds in fresh activities. So we are enjoying spring and the air is filled with the scent of flowers.

    1. It’s lovely to hear from you, Lisa, thank you for visiting my blog. The changing seasons remind us to regularly celebrate our beautiful Earth. 💐🙋‍♂️

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